Want a feature across the Asian Tones platform? Check out the forms below. 

Please note it may take a few weeks to be posted. If you need something posted inline with a specific date, please ensure that you submit leaving a couple of weeks. Posts will likely go up on here before they do on Instagram, TikTok and where applicable, Youtube (got to keep the algorithms algoryithm-ing...).

Artist - Get To Know: FORM
  • If you would like to do a filmed Q&A, please send us an email and we can send further information/instructions.

New Music Release: Email
  • Please send us an email with the release artwork and press text.
  • Please note that we will only share new releases if you have completed an 'Artist Get To Know' - once you've done that once, feel free to share any and all future releases with us

Gig Guide: FORM
  • We will aim to post the gig guides within the first week of every month for the events happening during that month.
  • Please ensure you submit this at least a week before the start of the month your show/tour is due to take place.

Please ensure you read all the information provided in the form descriptions and submit accordingly, we will not follow up/post if anything is missing.