A picture containing person, clothing, child

Description automatically generatedSofia is a 17 year old singer and Billboard charting songwriter. Along her artist project, Sofia writes for other artists, including: 'Sugar Rush Ride' on TXT's mini album "The Name Chapter: Temptation,” 'Way Home' off of TXT’s “minisode1: Blue Hour” mini album, and 'Summer Night" on Girl's Generation’s album “FOREVER 1.” Songwritting for Sofia happens differently every time; often inspired by real-life experiences, whether her own, a friend’s, or a stranger’s. Other times it’s because the artist likes a certain chord progression on the piano or because of a title they like the sound of. Sometimes, it’s simply a story that Sofia comes up with in her head.

Ethnicity: Korean-Italian
Location: Toronto, Canada

Instagram: @sofiaakay

GET TO KNOW - completed April 2021
3 words to describe you:
Lol I mean I guess charming, creative, and brave... lol but my friends also say I’m wise!

3 words to describe your music:
Hmm... personal. Let’s just say personal.

If it does, how does your heritage impact your art?
I wouldn’t say it impacts my music much lol. I just happen to be who I am.

If you could collaborate with anyone, who and why?
Hmm... this answer’s ambitious but my three favs are Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, and Kendrick Lamar so it would be incredible if I got the opportunity to collaborate with one of them one day! But also a collab w Princess Nokia would be sick.

Your next career/music goal:
I hope to sell out a venue one day! (Once COVID is out of our hair lol). I think it’s a beautiful thing to be in a room, performing for people who love your music and... get you, you know?

Top 3 go to songs/artists:
Ugghhh I can’t chooseeee!!! 

Words you live by:
Hmm... now that you ask that... my mind has literally gone blank.

Anything else you'd like to share?